Summer is here and the schools are over! It’s time to do something else than studies and have fun. Summer vacations offer a plethora of activities that your child can indulge in and make the most of her / his time. So it is always better to sit with your child and discuss the many options that can be pursued.

Depending upon your location and services available, your child can make a choice that suits her / him the most. To get things started, here’s a list of five things that your child would love to do.

Go to a summer camp: Summer camps are a great way to learn new things in a relatively small period of time. It provides children with an opportunity to learn something they have never learnt before and also introduces them to a new set of friends. The inspiring and friendly environment of a summer camp can be very motivating when it comes to gain new knowledge. Depending upon your child’s interests and activities (s)he wants to do, (s)he can choose from a long list of summer camps available in your vicinity.

Explore the outdoors: Holidays are the best time to get out of home and explore the world around you. Subjective to the place you live in, you can make plans with your child to roam around the city and other nearby places. Picnics can be a great way to explore public areas. Ask your child if (s)he wants to visit a special place or has any specific exploration plans. Once you freeze on a destination, it’s time to pack the bags and get out!

Visit relatives: It yours is a nuclear family, summer vacations can be the best time to visit your loved ones. If your child has cousins then there’s nothing else that will interest her / him more than a family reunion. If your child’s grandparents live in another city, try to plan a trip to visit them. Children love to spend time with their grandparents and learn from them. After all they are the living epitome of their great family history.

Join a workshop: Every child has hobbies or interest areas. Summer vacations can become your child’s window of opportunity to follow the things (s)he is very fond of. Be it music, sports, adventure or anything else; just let her / him have a shot at it if he is really into it. Letting your child follow her / his dreams in the free time will also motivate her / him to do well at school.

Join a social cause: Sending your child off to join a community service for needy people once a week can be a very good idea to infuse a sense of humanity in her / him. It will help her / him develop the right attitude towards the society and its people, and will also give her / him a chance to do something noble.

The limited free days of summer vacations can be a great source of unlimited learning and enjoyment. If planned well, it can be that time of her / his life that your child will never forget. So let your child choose her / his own path and set sail. Your child’s decision will only make her / him happier and smarter.