Morning sickness, despite its name, can make you sick at any time of day or night. However, morning sickness is the most common sign that a woman is pregnant in the first four months of pregnancy. 

Morning sickness can be alleviated in various ways, and complications are extremely rare. 

Morning sickness: a list of possible triggers 

No single factor contributes to morning sickness in pregnancy, and each woman experiences it in her unique way. However, during the first few weeks of pregnancy, elevated hormone levels are the most common causes. Another common cause of morning sickness is low blood sugar. 

Morning sickness can be made worse by additional factors. Twins and triplets are among the possibilities. The other possibilities include

  • exhausted to the point of exhaustion 
  • stress from the inside 
  • traveling regularly 

Between pregnancies, the intensity of morning sickness varies. So even if you suffered from severe morning sickness in one pregnancy, you might only experience mild symptoms in subsequent pregnancies. 

How long does morning sickness last?

Nausea and vomiting subside for most pregnant women between weeks 12 and 16, with symptoms peaking from weeks 10 to 16. 

The second trimester can be difficult for some women, as they continue to feel the effects. In addition, morning sickness can be a problem for a small percentage of pregnant women, especially those expecting multiples. 

Remedies for morning sickness 

It is beneficial for the baby, but a high-protein, complex-carbohydrate diet during pregnancy can also help alleviate morning sickness. Avoid processed and greasy fast food, which is difficult to digest and exacerbates morning sickness. 

  • Solids that are bland and simple to break down for the stomach. You can get a few calories in by eating bananas, toast, rice, pretzels, or applesauce.
  • Almond milk has long been recommended as a soothing remedy for nausea and heartburn.
  • There are a variety of soups, smoothies, and shakes on offer. If the liquid is icy-cold, it can be easier to drink your vitamins and nutrients. If you don’t like drinking water, try sucking on a Popsicle.
  • Some herbal teas and carbonated drinks are also good. It is more important to drink plenty of fluids during the first trimester than to eat anything. Nausea can be alleviated by drinking a carbonated beverage or some types of pregnancy-safe herbal tea (especially those with lemon or ginger). It’s best to avoid drinking and eating at the same time if this is a problem for your digestive system.
  • Water-rich fruits and vegetables. Eating high-water-content solids may help alleviate your gastrointestinal discomfort. There are times when melons are a good option.
  • Numerous studies have demonstrated that ginger effectively reduces pregnancy-induced nausea and vomiting. Even the scent of fresh ginger can soothe a rumbling tummy. Prepare your pantry with ginger staples like ginger snaps, ginger ale, ginger tea, ginger candies, ginger biscuits, or crystallized ginger. If you’re making a soup or a stir fry, or if you’re sipping tea, use fresh ginger.
  • Pregnant women often report that the scent and flavor of citrus fruits like lemons and oranges soothe them. Sucking on some sour candies or taking a whiff of freshly cut lemons may provide some solace. (morning sickness) 


Maintain a diet of foods that you enjoy eating 

Many healthy foods are available, and you should be able to find some that you can eat. Your nutritional needs will be met while transitioning to a more varied diet. 

Recall that no one food can provide all of the nutrients or meals you need. For example, you can eat peaches and yoghurt for dinner instead of broccoli and chicken. Or, in place of cereal, try pasta for breakfast. (morning sickness)

Don’t worry too much about meeting your daily quota in the short term. You’ll have plenty of time to eat healthily later in your pregnancy.