There is a specific part of the brain that performs mental maths but if it is not developed properly at an early age, it can become a challenging task. For this reason, it is important to develop the ability to do mental math in children while they are still young. The best age considered for this is between 5 to 10 years. This develops their ability to perform basic arithmetic rules at speed, without using pencil or paper.

7 reasons why doing mental math is important:

• Enhances children’s ability to concentrate.
• It stimulates children’s interest in maths.
• Improves the self-confidence of the child.
• Helps with the application skills in maths.
• Helps to reduce mistakes in problem-solving.
• Strongly associated with better memory skills.
• It stimulates both sides of the brain.

Mental Maths at Nurturey:

We are pleased to announce that the ‘Mental Maths’ feature within the Nurturey App is now free for all app users for the entire duration of school closure and lockdown.

As parents ourselves, we recognise this is a challenging time for families who are being told to stay at home unless absolutely necessary and also having to home-school their kids.

As a gesture of support, Nurturey is making ‘Mental Maths’ on Alexa absolutely free to every parent in the UK, Wales, UAE and India so that children can indulge in rich brain activity and improve their cognitive function, while they stay away from their schools.

Tushar Srivastava, founder of Nurturey, said: “We want to remind parents who currently use Nurturey and those that haven’t heard of us before that ‘Mental Maths’ is a fun feature that can be enabled through Alexa by adding Nurturey Mental Maths to your Alexa skills. Through the app you get instant feedback on how your arithmetic is improving over time.”

Parents can start using this service today by adding the Nurturey skill to their Alexa account. Please visit the Nurturey skill page here.