There are about 40 weeks of pregnancy. There are three trimesters in a pregnancy timeline. The third trimester encompasses weeks 28 to 40 of a pregnant woman’s gestational period. This blog is all about Prepping for delivery – things to take care of in your third trimester. 

A pregnant woman’s third trimester may be physically and emotionally taxing. At the conclusion of week 37, the baby is officially regarded to be “full term,” which means the birth is just around the corner. As you approach the end of your pregnancy, it’s a good idea to do some research and learn about what to anticipate and some last-minute activities before delivery.

During the third trimester, what changes occur in a woman’s body?

Third-trimester aches, pains, and swelling are more common in the third trimester of pregnancy. In addition, a pregnant lady may begin to feel nervous about her upcoming birth.

The third trimester is also marked by a number of other events, such as:

  • the baby is moving a lot
  • Braxton-Hicks contractions are sporadic, painful tightenings of the uterus that occur at random.
  • increasing the frequency of trips to the restroom
  • heartburn
  • swelling face or ankles
  • haemorrhoids
  • wet breasts that are soft and may leak
  • sleeping issues

Contact your GP if you’re going through any of the following

  • contractions that become more severe and more frequent as time goes on
  • bleeding at any given moment
  • baby’s abrupt cessation of activity
  • swelling to the point of immobility

rapidly increasing weight

Here are a few ways to be prepared and some last-minute activities before delivery

Take a class

Attending a birthing class is the single most essential thing expecting parents can do to prepare for labour and delivery. There is a vast range of alternatives, but the majority of them include information on how to relax, how to breathe, different labour positions, pain medication, and basic baby care. Also, you’ll have the opportunity to meet new people, interact with your fiance, and ask any questions you may have regarding your forthcoming big day.

Rest up

Although it would be lovely if you could save up a few hours of sleep for when you’re fatigued from feeding and burping your baby in the middle of the night, you can’t do that. You’ll feel more relaxed and rejuvenated if you get adequate sleep throughout the third trimester. So, if you need a nap, consider going to bed earlier and taking one when you feel like it. This is one of the best last-minute activities before delivery.

Eat healthily

Another effective way to prepare for delivery is to eat nutritious foods when your body is about to go into labour. You’re getting close to the conclusion of your pregnancy, so stock up on nutrient-dense foods like lean meats, lentils, yoghurt, wild salmon, almonds, and whole grains that are great for you at this time.

Keep moving

Pregnancy is a physically demanding time, and regular exercise during this time is a great way to prepare yourself for the difficulty of childbirth. You’ll gain strength and stamina if you adhere to a workout regimen that you love, whether it’s walking, swimming, low-impact dancing courses, or moderate yoga. Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week, if possible.

Relaxation should be your first goal

The more you believe in yourself, the more likely you are to succeed! A calm and collected mind is easier to maintain on the big day if you practise mindfulness techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing. Visualisation methods may also be utilised to help alleviate fear and anxiety. Hypnobirthing may also be used as a way to relax throughout labour if desired. Note it down in the list of last-minute activities before delivery

Take a tour and pre-register

Filling out the necessary hospital papers before your arrival is a simple task that you can cross off your to-do list of last-minute activities before delivery. Don’t forget to include the document in the luggage you’ll take to the hospital. A virtual or in-person tour of the hospital or birthing facility is also a good idea so that you can get a sense of the place and learn about its regulations.

Make sure you have everything you need in your hospital pack

Packing a hospital bag ahead of time is another simple activity that may be done ahead of time. Make sure to recheck your bag as part of the last-minute activities before delivery so that you can be sure you didn’t miss out on anything. 

Make a birth strategy in writing

Making your desires known in advance of going into labour isn’t necessary, but it may make you feel more in control and prepared — and a birth plan is an ideal way to do it. In writing, you may express your preferences for pain treatment, birthing positions, and intravenous (IV) usage, as well as the involvement of your partner (cord cutting, suctioning, holding the baby).

Make a supply run

Seeing your favourite granola bars in the pantry is a wonderful feeling. Stocking up on laundry detergent, paper towels, and meals for the freezer can give you the same pleasant feelings. As a result of “nesting,” or storing up on the supplies you may need ahead of time, you’ll have less worry and more time to spend with your new kid.

Nurturey’s Pink Book is a digital upgrade to the NHS paper red book. It provides you with immediate access to your child’s medical data, as well as reliable NHS advice. Nurturey’s user-friendly features also let you keep track of your prenatal testing and the progression of your pregnancy as a whole, so you can keep tabs on your child’s development and commemorate significant life events.