Symptoms of pregnancy- All women uniquely experience pregnancy. If a woman is far along in her pregnancy, she may be able to tell she is pregnant as early as the first few days of her cycle. Some women don’t find out they’re pregnant until months after conception, while others do so right away. 

Pregnancy tests are the only surefire way to determine if you’re expecting a child. A pregnancy test will not register until your body has produced sufficient amounts of hCG, despite appearing early in the pregnancy process. For a positive pregnancy test, you’ll typically need to wait three to four weeks after the first day of your last period. 

Pregnancy symptoms begin at what point? 

Some early pregnancy symptoms may appear a few days after conception (such as sensitivity to smell and tender breasts). In contrast, other early signs of pregnancy (such as spotting) may appear around one week after sperm meets egg. A few weeks after conception, other symptoms (such as frequent urination) may appear. 

However, the onset of early pregnancy symptoms varies from person to person. Other early pregnancy symptoms may not become apparent for a few weeks. Some women don’t begin to show any of these symptoms until well into their pregnancy, and even then, not everyone does. As for early pregnancy symptoms, some women don’t experience any, while others experience a wide range. 

Common pregnancy symptoms 

When a woman misses her period, she’s most likely pregnant. After conception, hormones are produced by the body to stop ovulation and the shedding of the endometrial lining. If this is the case, your period will not return until after the baby’s birth. A missed period does not necessarily mean you are pregnant. It is best to confirm the same by your GP or by a pregnancy kit. 

Breast changes

Early in pregnancy, breast changes you might experience include tender, swollen breasts, darkening, and bumpy areolas. This is because of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. But, despite the discomfort, the tenderness in your breasts is a sign that your body is preparing for the process of producing milk. 

Darkening and widening of your areolas are possible side effects. 


Many women report feeling exhausted during the first trimester of pregnancy. Progesterone is the hormone that causes this sign of pregnancy. As with other early pregnancy symptoms, fatigue improves in the second trimester. Many women, however, experience it again during the third trimester. 

Increased bathroom breaks

You might need to urinate more frequently before missing a period. This is due to the fact that your blood volume has increased. The amount of blood flowing through your body expands during pregnancy. Your blood is filtered by your kidneys, which remove any extra waste. Urine excretes this waste. When you have a lot of blood in your body, you’ll need to pee more frequently. 

Mood changes

Again, the mood swings you may experience once you become pregnant can be attributed to the hormonal changes during pregnancy. Early in your pregnancy, you may experience moodiness similar to PMS; later in the first trimester and throughout the rest of your pregnancy, you may feel anxious or depressed at any given moment. 

It’s completely normal for your moods to go haywire because your life is about to undergo a major shift. Taking care of your physical and mental needs is an important part of taking care of others. 

It’s not just pregnancy that causes these symptoms. A few can indicate that you’re getting sick or that your period is about to start. In the same way, many of these signs and symptoms aren’t always present when you’re pregnant. 

You should still get a pregnancy test if you haven’t had a period and notice any signs or symptoms. When a home pregnancy test shows positive results, contact your GP. As soon as you know you’re pregnant, you can begin prenatal treatment. 

Start taking a prenatal vitamin as soon as you know you’re pregnant or are planning to get pregnant. There are many important nutrients in prenatal vitamins to help your baby grow, such as folic acid and iron.