Exercising throughout your first trimester has several health advantages, including improved sleep, improved mood and stress reduction, weight loss before and after delivery, a decreased chance of caesarean section and early birth, and a decreased risk of type II diabetes in your unborn child. Read more about The 6 best exercises to do in your first and second trimester. 

If you’re expecting a baby, it may seem like the ideal moment to kick back and unwind. You’re probably exhausted and your back is aching since you’re carrying so much weight.

However, if you’re not suffering any issues, you won’t benefit from sitting around. When you’re pregnant, it’s a perfect time to go back into the gym, even if you haven’t worked out for some time.

Why should pregnant women exercise?

Exercising when pregnant has the following benefits:

  • Backaches, constipation, bloating, and edoema may all be alleviated by exercises during pregnancy
  • Rejuvenate your outlook on life and your energy levels
  • Improve your quality of sleep
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Enhance strength, endurance, and muscular tone

Exercises during pregnancy also have other possible benefits, which may include:

  • Lower risk of gestational diabetes
  • Shortened labour
  • Reduced need for caesarean section

Exercises during pregnancy is a delicate balance that must be carefully navigated.

Be sure to get the go-ahead from your GP before beginning any kind of fitness regimen. If you’re pregnant, your GP may tell you not to exercise if you’ve got any of the following conditions:

  • Cardiovascular disease and pulmonary disease
  • High blood pressure that appears for the first time during pregnancy is known as preeclampsia.
  • Cervical issues are a common ailment
  • Vaginal haemorrhage that persists during the second or third trimester.
  • An issue with the placenta

If you have any of the following conditions as well, exercises during pregnancy may not be safe:

  • Preterm labour during your current pregnancy
  • Premature birth in at least one of the pregnancies
  • When the membranes are ruptured too early
  • Anaemia of life-threatening proportions

In case you are perfectly fine to exercise according to your GP, here are a few fun exercises to do during pregnancy! 


When you’re pregnant, you’re doing all you can to ensure that your child is healthy. Regular physical activity will benefit you both.  A few simple adjustments may help alleviate typical aches and pains, such as back pain and insomnia. Swimming is one of the best exercises during pregnancy. Ankle swelling is reduced and pain is minimised because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties. In addition, you’ll have the feeling of floating on air no matter how large your baby bulge grows to be. 


In addition to strengthening your core and relieving back discomfort, regular yoga practise also promotes relaxation. And studies have shown that it may shorten and ease the pain of childbirth. Prenatal classes are kinder and more relaxation-oriented, so they’re a terrific way to get ready for delivery. Avoid “hot yoga,” and avoid lying on your back after the first trimester. Make an appointment with a fitness professional if you have any concerns about your health.

Walking and running

Women may benefit greatly from these two types of exercises during pregnancy. In order to improve endurance and strengthen your heart, all you need is a supportive pair of shoes. Begin at a comfortable speed and gradually increase your stride length to get a modest rise in heart rate.

In-Cycle Training

Reduce the strain on your limbs! Even if you’re just beginning a fitness regimen, cycling on a stationary bike is typically safe. If you’re looking for a low-impact cardio workout, cycling is one of the best exercises during pregnancy. Increase the height of the handlebars as your belly develops.


You can strengthen your core, improve your balance, and relieve lower back pain by doing Pilates. Be careful not to overexert yourself, especially with tummy stretches, while doing Pilates techniques that involve laying on your back.

To get the most out of your workout, it’s critical to include stretching and cardiovascular activities, even if you don’t attend any professional Pilates courses.

Aerobics with Minimal Effects

Aerobics strengthens your heart and lungs, tones your whole body, and releases endorphins, a brain chemical that makes you feel happy, this is also one of the other best exercises during pregnancy. Make sure the instructor is a qualified aerobics instructor if you are a newbie.

As your body changes throughout pregnancy, being active may help you adapt to those changes and develop endurance for what is ahead. For those who haven’t been exercising on a regular basis, use pregnancy as a motivator to get started.

During pregnancy, the Nurturey Pink Book takes care of all your concerns. Taking your GP’s appointment and relying on reliable NHS advice are both made simple with the Pink Book.