Baby Care-  For babies, entering the world is a huge and terrifying adventure. They don’t realise you’re feeding and caring for them at first; they only notice when they’re comfortable and when they’re not. However, they begin to communicate and give you minor signs when they are born, such as weary or hungry or awake and alert. They are always learning, and it is the responsibility of parents to ensure that they understand that the world is a friendly place where their needs will be addressed and provide them with all the necessary care.

Emotional and social development | Baby Care

Your voice and face pique the interest of even the most bashful and sleepy babies. Face recognition and memory occupy a considerable portion of the brain, and our social behaviour is heavily influenced by how we read other people’s looks. Because seeing into someone’s eyes is a requirement for ‘falling in love,’ show your infant your face and speak to them in a calming manner right away. This is an essential step when it comes to baby care. If they turn away, don’t be offended; newborns are typically weary when they interact.

Newborns: They have no idea what is going on or that they are separate people. They have no idea who feeds them or who comforts them when they cry.


They cry when they are hungry or tired, yet they are unaware that they are being looked after. They can’t cry ‘for attention’ or to ‘get back at their parents. This is because a newborn is incapable of responding to you with any kind of deliberate intent. So, yes, It is possible for them to feel but not to think. 5 weeks into Baby care you will notice the following changes.

  • By five to seven weeks, your baby will be smiling.
  • By three months, they will be laughing out loud.

Physical growth and development

During the first 3 months of baby care, the following are the common physical growth and development that you will see in your baby :

New-borns under three months cry a lot, particularly late in the afternoon or evening. (‘Jiggling’ babies is not a healthy form of baby care to settle them and can be frightening or even painful for them, even if they stop crying.) It’s crucial to avoid shaking a newborn.

It is important to understand that External stimuli (shapes, sounds, and colours) affect your baby, and they can easily get overwhelmed.

Hearing and seeing 

New-borns are able to hear and have been hearing noises since before birth. While newborns can see (especially at close range), their eye muscles are underdeveloped, and they cannot organise visual images into meaningful forms. They are attracted to bright light, primary colours, stripes, dots, and patterns during the first two months of development.

By six weeks, most of the time, the eyes move in unison.

The first ‘thing’ they recognise is a human face.

During the first three months, babies learn to recognise certain faces and objects (such as their teddy bear) in their environment.

Making use of their bodies

Infants have little control over their emotions during the first eight weeks of life, and all of their physical activity is involuntary or reflexive. While they are awake, they move their bodies, but they do not yet understand how to move each part of their bodies or that all of the bits belong to them. Sucking, clutching, startled, and pulling to stand are examples of developmental features.

By the time they’re eight weeks old, they’ve figured out how to lift their heads and kick their legs while laying on their stomachs. They begin to wave their hands and feet in the air in their third month, and they also start to wave their fist towards your face or another desired object.

Language and speech baby care

Crying is the newborn’s only mode of communication. Therefore, it’s critical to reply to your infant as soon as possible so that they learn that you’ll always be there for them. 

Speech has the following characteristics: 

  • They start making cooing noises and vowel sounds at the age of seven or eight weeks.
  • They will listen to what you say and then make noises in response as they ‘speak’ to you, even if they are only eight weeks old.

Activities that have been suggested

The following are some baby care ideas for encouraging and supporting your baby’s development:

  • Make use of a baby camera to monitor them and put it above their cot, facing them.
  • Stroke various portions of their bodies to determine how they prefer to be touched.
  • Use their name and speak softly to them.
  • Play music for them.
  • Sing them a song.
  • Hold them for a long time.
  • Allow them to stare at your face when you converse with them.
  • Take note of their small gestures.
  • They’re going to be rocked.

Signs that a child is having a developmental problem

Because all infants are unique and develop at various speeds, if your baby isn’t doing all of the activities described in this article, they may be focusing on something else. However, if your infant appears to be substantially different from other children, or if you are concerned about their development seek medical help. The following are signs that could indicate a developmental issue:

  • The body that is unusually floppy or stiff
  • The muscle tone or power of one arm or leg is different from the other. Fingers are always held in a tight fist.
  • Noise does not startle them.
  • Feeding problems outside of the ‘normal’ range
  • Long stretches of sobbing and a persistent inability to settle
  • The child is unusually calm and quiet.

Where can I obtain assistance?

  • Your physician
  • The nurse who specialises in maternal and child health

Things to keep in mind

Babies can communicate with you from the moment they are born.

A newborn is unaware that they are distinct individuals.

Infants have little control over their emotions during the first eight weeks of life, and all of their physical activity is involuntary or reflexive.

Fostering your child’s development

An essential component of baby care is fostering your child’s development. The foundation of your child’s healthy development is your bond with them. Have faith in your abilities to address your child’s requirements. You have the option of holding your child. This can make your baby feel more comfortable, safe, and loved. Allow your child to keep your little finger and place it on your face.

Allow yourself to speak openly.

An important thing to remember during the first 3 months of your baby care is that The foundation for language development is laid through simple conversation. Sing. Tell a story aloud. Respond to your baby’s coos and gurgles by asking inquiries. Describe what you see, hear, and smell when you’re at home and out and about. Keep in mind that your tone of voice conveys both thoughts and feelings.

Shift your weight.

Hold your kid with their back to the outside. Place your infant on their tummy to play with close supervision. Encourage your infant to pick up their head by holding a colourful toy or making an exciting noise. Many infants become uncomfortable or upset on their tummies, so keep these sessions brief at first – just a few minutes at a time. Then, place your infant on their back to sleep if tiredness sets in.

React swiftly when you see someone crying.

Crying spells in most babies peak around six weeks after birth and then progressively fade. Respond swiftly to your baby’s needs, whether it’s a diaper change, a feeding session, or simply warm contact. Don’t be concerned about lavishing too much care for your child.

Your nurturing will help your kid form a close link with you, as well as the confidence they will need to settle down on their own someday.

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