Sleeping in warm blankets and dressing up in warm jackets will not be enough for your children as the temperatures begin to drop. Because the daily activity is slower than usual and schools are closed, parents must keep an eye on their children’s metabolism. Remember that exercising combined with an adequate diet (and layers of clothing) can help your child beat the chills. It is critical to remember that to manage children’s metabolism throughout the winter; parents must ensure that their diet’s calorie content is suitably balanced with more fruits and vegetables. Eating nutritious winter foods helps your children stay healthy and warm.

Immunity difficulties for children are vital challenges that every mother faces. As a result, they are frequently concerned about boosting their children’s immunity, particularly in winter. A diet that supports immunity focuses on foods that are high in nutrients, such as:


This trace mineral is a potent antioxidant that helps the children’s immune system stay healthy in various ways. The white blood cells, in particular, utilize zinc to aid in the production of the proper antibodies to combat winter pests. Zinc may be found in various foods, including shellfish, whole grains, and pumpkin seeds. In addition, legumes, chickpeas, beans, seeds, and nuts are some of the widely available abundant sources of zinc that can be found at home.

Vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine vitamin,” is formed when the skin’s cholesterol is exposed to sunlight. Because there is less sunshine throughout the winter, your child’s body may require dietary supplementation. Eggs, butter, fish or fish oil, and sprouted seeds are all effective sources of omega-3 fatty acids. It is recommended that you spend 10/15 minutes in the sun before 11 a.m. Another good source of this vitamin is flax seeds, which are also the best for vegetarians.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid):

On the other hand, Vitamin C has to be the most well-known immunity-boosting nutrient. This water-based antioxidant vitamin supports your child’s immune system and  helps them stay healthy, especially during the colder winter months. It also helps the body respond to stress, and since stress can lower immunity, it’s crucial to keep your child’s Vitamin C levels up. Vitamin C is found in most fruits and vegetables, but particular foods, such as oranges, tomatoes, blueberries, and Kiwis, are naturally high in the vitamin. In addition, vitamin C protects against colds, and one of the common misconceptions is that oranges and other citrus fruits should be avoided throughout the winter. On the contrary, it is critical to consume vitamin C-rich foods such as oranges, kiwis, strawberries, and other citrus fruits regularly and on different days and vitamin C-rich supplements.

The following are some crucial foods that should be included in a child’s daily diet to help them stay healthy:


Jaggery lends a unique flavour to any lovely meal and is an excellent cough, cold, or lung infection treatment. The health advantages are enhanced when ginger and saunf are combined. Jaggery not only helps you stay healthy when compared with sugar, but it also helps to keep your kid warm during the cold winter months. 


On a chilly winter day, nothing beats a nice bowl or cup of soup. Soups are one of the best foods for keeping your kids warm and help their digestive systems stay healthy during the winter. Tomato, beetroot, carrots, spinach, mushrooms, beans, broccoli, and for non-vegetarians, basic chicken soups may all be cooked at home.


Eating eggs meets protein and vitamin needs in the winter while also providing a balanced diet, hence helping your child stay healthy. Veggie bread omelette, scrambled eggs, poached eggs, and fried vegetable eggs are just a few of the recipes that have proven popular among mothers.

Parenting Advice

Follow these simple guidelines:

The temperature in the room:

Maintaining a comfortable room temperature of 25 to 28 degrees is essential. The skin of newborns and toddlers is still developing. Thus any form of heat stress should be avoided. Changes in room temperature cause children to experience heat stress or cold stress in different ways. Hypothermia in children is a big no-no, and parents must keep an eye on the ambient temperature.

Clothing that is both comfortable and stylish:

New parents often overdress their babies with jackets, caps, mittens, stockings, and other accessories in the winter. A child should be suitably clothed at all times. Layers are essential, but too many can cause a fever or make the infant irritable. Cotton should be the initial layer, followed by woollens because the baby’s skin is sensitive.

Excessive use of room heaters should be avoided:

Excessive usage of room heaters should be avoided throughout the winter. Blowers cause extreme skin dryness by sucking in all of the moisture from the environment. In addition, as the child’s secretions increase, dry air makes him uncomfortable. Oil-filled radiators are more effective than blowers at maintaining humidity and moisture in a room. Data suggests that SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) is more likely in overheated rooms.

Moisturizer application:

Bathing with hot water causes the skin to dry up, necessitating moisturizers to prevent irritation. At the same time, parents should trim and file their children’s nails to avoid scratch marks.


Vaccinations are essential in all seasons, and parents must get their children regularly vaccinated, as suggested by their paediatrician. With Nurturey, you’ll never forget a vaccination again! Our reminders will ensure your child never misses a vaccination.

Keep your children hydrated.

During the winter, a cool glass of water is probably the last thing on a child’s mind, yet it’s exactly what their bodies require to battle infection and disease. Water transports nourishment to cells while also removing toxins from the body, hence helping your child stay healthy. As a result, dehydration raises a child’s risk of becoming ill.

According to experts, children should drink half their body weight in ounces per day so, if your child is 50 pounds, attempt to get them to drink 25 ounces of water every day.

When Should You Take Your Children to the Doctor?

Most winter illnesses go away on their own after a few days, but others can progress to more serious medical complications. So, if your kid shows any of the following symptoms, contact your doctor straight away:

  • A fever of 103 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
  •  A fever and a sore throat.
  • Diarrhoea and vomiting
  • Wheezing and breathing difficulties (this could be a sign of pneumonia)

 This winter, don’t allow your kids’ immune systems to become a germ playground—follow these tips to help them stay healthy, happy, and powerful. Keep a track of your child’s health with the Health Report tool offered in Nurturey’s Pink Book. The Health report allows you to manage overall health indicators, including eyesight and allergy information. Download the app today