Pregnancy app- Finding out you’re pregnant is one of those life events that can make you both happy and overwhelmed. You’re probably overjoyed to be a new mom. But you’re also feeling a little overwhelmed by everything that should be on your pregnancy to-do list. You have 9 months to plan and prepare for the baby, and this post will help you along the way.

Confirm your Pregnancy

Have you missed your period? Or your breasts are sore? And you’re going to the bathroom frequently? Then you’re probably pregnant. However, it’s still a good idea to confirm your pregnancy by using a home pregnancy test or visiting your GP. With the Nurturey pregnancy app, you can book your GP appointment instantly.

Quit Smoking

If you smoke, vape, or anything else, it’s time to give it up. Smoking in any form is harmful to you and your unborn child. If you’re having trouble quitting, contact your GP for assistance.

Start Eating Healthy

While you may know which foods you should avoid during pregnancy, you should also consider which foods you should consume. You can download the Nurturey pregnancy app if you want help with eating healthy during pregnancy. Nurture’s NHS Library offers its users credible and informative parenting and pregnancy advice.

Decrease Caffeine Consumption

You can still consume caffeine during pregnancy. But, you need to limit your intake. According to experts, you should consume no more than 200mg per day – one cup of coffee. However, you must also be conscious of the foods you consume. For example, if you have a chocolate craving, that will count towards your daily intake because chocolate contains caffeine.

Start Taking Prenatal Vitamin

You may have started taking a prenatal when trying to conceive, but if you haven’t, make sure you do because it’s necessary! Prenatal care is crucial in the first trimester because it helps the mother fill in the gaps in her diet. And lower the chances of neural tube defects such as spina bifida. 

Get Enough Sleep

Pregnancy fatigue is common because your body will be working overtime for the next 9 months. You can go to bed early or maintain a regular sleep schedule. You can also take a nap whenever you want and get as much sleep as possible.

Buy a Pregnancy Pillow

Sleep can be difficult for many women during pregnancy. Not only physical changes, but your hormones are changing as well. And there is a lot of new excitement and anxiety, as well as so many other discomforts, throughout pregnancy.

If you can’t sleep because of hip pain or can’t get comfortable, it’s time to get a pregnancy pillow. Sleep is a vital part of prenatal care, so do everything to improve your sleep quality.

Always Wash your Hands

It is vital to wash your hands quite often during pregnancy to maintain good hygiene. When you go out or get home, you can go to the restroom before eating or if it’s been a while since you’ve washed your hands.

Start Practicing Pregnancy Safe Workouts

During pregnancy, you should avoid pretty intensive workouts. You can instead practice yoga. Yoga is an excellent way to strengthen your mind, body, and soul. It can also help you sleep better at night by reducing stress. Yoga should be definitely on your pregnancy to-do list.

Schedule your Prenatal Visits

Your first prenatal visit is usually around 8 weeks, so make your appointment now. You should schedule the rest of your prenatal appointments and ultrasounds to ensure they’re on your calendar if you’ve decided on a health care provider.

Create a Budget

Diapers, wipes, formula, and daycare are all costly. Making a budget early in your pregnancy and determining the additional expenses you’ll need to budget for should lessen some stress.

Start Talking about Baby Names

It’s never too early to start thinking about baby names. However, you don’t need to decide during the first trimester. But it can be beneficial to discuss it with your partner early on. So you have enough time to find a name that you both love.

Buy Belly Butter or Oil

In the second trimester of pregnancy, your stomach will start growing significantly. Many pregnant women use belly oil to moisturize and relieve dry skin. Your skin will stretch and become thinner as your bump grows. It can be unpleasant, especially if it is dry. 

It is still debatable whether it helps with stretch marks or not. Some swear by it, while others believe stretch marks are genetic. In any case, belly oil can make the second and third trimesters of pregnancy a lot more enjoyable

Schedule a Prenatal Massage

It is one of the most enjoyable activities on your pregnancy to-do list. A prenatal massage is an excellent way to relieve aches and pains during pregnancy. It can help with back and neck pain, circulation, muscle tension, headaches, and stress. All of this can help mothers sleep better.

The techniques are different from a regular massage. Prenatal massages do not include deep tissue massage or heavy pressure on the legs. It’s because of the circulatory changes that put pregnant women at risk for blood clots in the lower legs. 

You will most likely be lying on your side during a prenatal massage. As your pregnancy progresses, lying on your stomach becomes uncomfortable, as does lying on your back.

Find Ways to Beat Morning Sickness | pregnancy app

Feeling nauseous because of morning sickness or all-day sickness can happen at any time. However, there are many ways to solve this problem. For instance, drinking enough water or having chamomile tea can be of great help. However, each mom must decide what works best for them.

Announce your Pregnancy

Most mothers wait until the end of the first trimester or the beginning of the second to announce their pregnancy. It’s a huge milestone to reach twelve weeks of pregnancy. Thus, it gives moms more confidence in sharing this exciting news, which can be nerve-racking and exciting!

Nurturey – The All In One Pregnancy and Child Health Management App

With the Nurturey pregnancy app, stay on top of your pregnancy and child’s health. This pregnancy app uses modern tech elements like AI, analytics, VR, etc., to provide you parenting experience worth millions of hours at your fingertips. The Nurturey PinkBook is a pregnancy and child health management system. It is the best alternative for the NHS paper red book. Thus, if you want to enjoy the benefits of the digital upgrade for NHS paper red book, download the Nurturey pregnancy app from App Store or Google Play.