All parents want to raise their children in the best possible manner. They want them to learn the life lessons that will enable them to steer ahead in life. And they also want to instil the values that will help them make their own place in society. Parents work with the best of their abilities to ensure that their children receive information, knowledge, education and values so they can put their best foot forward in the highly competitive, practical and advanced world they will become a part of.
While education is important for children to grow mentally, there are some values without which the education won’t be much valuable. Because where education builds a strong present and future, values help build a praiseworthy character. These values are the lessons that help children throughout their lives. Here are five of the very important life lessons that parents must teach their children in their growing years.
- Be honest: No parent wants his child to be dishonest. And honesty begins at home, with parents. Parents should not just tell their children to be honest, but lead by example as well. If one parent bribes the children to not disclose anything to the other parent, or just keep mum over something, the children will automatically learn that dishonesty is a way of life. Which is not right at all as honesty goes a long way and comes handy at every nook and corner of the journey called life. Tell them that while dishonesty can get them out of a situation, it is honesty that will enable them manage every situation with their head held high. Teach them not to lie ever and always speak the truth. Honesty is the guarantee of a good character. And children with good character do better in school as well as in personal lives. If your little one is lying often, you could read our blog on how to handle that.
Love unconditionally: Love is the most important emotion that makes children truly children. Showering your children with love every day will help them understand the value of affection. This will spark a feeling that will teach them the importance of giving love to others. And when, in their presence, you demonstrate your love for those who are important in your life, this feeling will only get strong. Talk to them about your love for your parents, cousins, friends, etc. This will give them an idea of how love binds people together. If you want them to understand what love actually means, consider getting them a cat or dog. It is found that children who play with pets grow emotionally strong and learn to love unconditionally.
- Have a strong will: A strong will is what builds a strong character. To achieve every goal the first thing one needs is the will to achieve, everything else comes later. Teaching the importance of will from a young age is vital. Tell children that even doing a simple thing as getting up by oneself after falling on the ground takes a strong will. Read stories that are full of challenges and teach them the value of overcoming them. Give them tasks that test their intelligence and physical power. If they find it challenging, tell them that challenges make them stronger and turn them into better human beings. Help them whenever you feel they are struck, but don’t interfere too much. And never forget to appreciate their efforts without praising them excessively.
Be kind: Kindness is one of the life lessons that is in real short supply nowadays. Children, busy with school, homework and other routine activities, have lost touch with kindness and don’t tend to help others without reason. As a parent you must teach children how being kind and lending a helping hand can make someone’s day. Kindness can be shown through simple efforts like serving at a soup kitchen for the needy or helping the elderly neighbour with the groceries. It will teach them the real value of empathy. As the feeling of compassion sets in, they will start to show care to others and put their needs first before their own. Also, kindness is a two-way street. When children are kind to others, others will be kind to them as well and help them when they need it the most.
- Be grateful: Children learn this trait directly from their parents. When they see you greeting others with respect and being grateful for something, they are more likely to follow the suit. In the growing years, you must teach your children to say ‘thank you’ whenever someone does something good for them or their family. Gratefulness helps children develop a positive mental attitude and emphasise on the important of good deeds from others’ in their lives. Read our blog about how to instill generosity in kids.
These are just a handful of life lessons that you must teach your children to make them perfect human beings. Every lesson will take them closer to people and provide a sense of true character. And make sure to follow these lessons by yourself as well. Because like the way children look up to their teachers for education, they look at their parents for life lessons. So pull your socks up and get on with it. The journey to turn your children into perfect human beings with great characteristics begins now!
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