The arrival of a baby puts a mother on a new path. A path she has never tread before, and knows very little about. With no practical experience, a mother prepares to give her best to ensure a healthy and well-nourished baby, even if that means sacrificing her sleep.
One of the most difficult challenges that a mother faces is the lack of sleep. Since a baby’s sleep cycle differs drastically from an adult, it is very difficult for a mother to keep up with that. As a result, most mothers with new-borns suffer from extensive sleep deprivation. Which, in one way or the other, can also affect their health. But a few watchful and pre-planned steps can help to cope with this challenge. Here’s a set of 5 everyday ways that can help you sleep better with a new-born while fulfilling all your responsibilities.
Opt for alternate breastfeeding: Breastfeeding is the most important job for a mother. To get a good night’s sleep, you can fill a bottle with milk using a breast pump and hand it over to your husband. So your baby can be fed during the night without having you to wake up. Before you try a breast pump, always seek your doctor’s advice to know how and what time it can be done.
- Take help from others: Just because you brought a life into this world, does not mean that you have to bear every burden that comes along with it. So never shy away from asking for a little help from your partner or any other family member. There are a lot of things they can help you with, like giving a bath, changing diapers and making errands to buy some baby stuff.
Nap with your baby: A baby can’t sync its sleeping patterns with its mother, but a mother can sync her sleeping patterns with her baby. In the beginning of their life, babies spend over 80% of their time sleeping. They have their designated timings, which as a mother you can analyse and match your sleeping pattern accordingly. Keep a notepad handy and within a few days you will be able to track it down completely.
- Cut caffeine: If you want to sleep post a baby, you need to cut out caffeine from your life. Studies say that a nursing mother can have a cup of coffee a day, but saying it goodbye completely will only make your life more comfortable. Also, if you are fond of chocolates, avoid the dark ones and indulge in the milky whites.
- Stay positive: Even if you are unable to get enough sleep, don’t stress yourself out over it. Stress will only make it worse and keep you up. Keeping a positive attitude will help you relax better. And even when you take rest, and don’t sleep, with a positive mindset, you feel more energized from the inside.
The journey of motherhood has its own ups and downs. Remember that every moment of this journey is for you to enjoy, and not suffer. All you need to do is to learn to take care of yourself just the way you care for your baby. Things will take some time, but will fall right in their respective places. So make the most of these tips and put your best foot forward.
Suggested reading: Pros and cons of co-sleeping with your child and PinkBook: The future of the NHS paper red book