So you are moving into a new neighbourhood or have decided to provide better education to your child through a new school. Whatever the reason is, looking for a new school that will satiate all your expectations at once is a long and critical process. Education is the road that leads to your child’s future. And no parents would ever want to compromise on education.
The process to find the right school for your child is bound to get the better out of you. Parents and children have their very own and specific prospects from a school and it is very important that all these prospects are met for desired outcomes. Here are the six most important things you need to bear in mind while hunting for the best school for your child.
- Standard of education: This should be the foremost thing in your checklist. Great education is the platform a great professional career stands upon. Wherever you go, make sure to find a school that is known for the standard of education it imparts to all its students. If you don’t find the right school in the vicinity, don’t mind going an extra mile to look for one. After all it’s the question of your child’s future.
Reputation of the faculty: The best learning comes from the best teachers. Like every athlete needs the right coach to win a medal, a student needs the right teacher to bring out his capabilities and excel in studies. If other children from your family or friend circle are studying in that school, inquire what are their opinions about the faculty. Don’t just ask the parents and take inputs from the children as well. Since they are the ones who interact with the faculty they will be able to give you the honest opinion.
- Public image: One easy way to ensure that the school of your choice offers both great education and reputed faculty is looking at its public image. Education is one of the pillars a country’s economy stands upon. Every school that provides great education is bound to be famous. Also, many other factors contribute to a positive public image. Like the building, teaching techniques, achievements, history, etc. The better a schools’ public image is, the more trust you can invest in it.
Extracurricular activities: Children are getting more and more interested in sports and music lately. It won’t be wrong to say that today every child admires Ronaldo or Federer and wants to step into their shoes. If your child is a sports buff, you must look for a school where she / he can hone her / his skills and train like a pro. With countless avenues opening up in sports, who knows that tomorrow your child might become a role model for other students. So never let her / his passion for sports go unnoticed and settle only for the best.
- Fee structure: No matter how good, close by or reputed the school is, it also has to fit within your budget. So the monthly fee is one very important point to consider. If you want to enroll your child in sports or other extracurricular activities, the fee will automatically end up on the higher side. If you are on a tight-knit budget, choosing the right school with reasonable fee is of utmost importance.
- Your child’s comfort: Many children find it difficult to adjust to a new school. It’s not just the school they are changing, they are also leaving behind their friends and a comfort zone. In the new school they will have to start from square one to make new friends and win the admiration of their teachers. So involve your child in the hunt and take her / him along. Let her / him see the school before the admission and get accustomed to it. Make her / him sit with you when you analyse the school and take and value her / his opinion.
Other than these, transport, food, hygiene, etc. will also play vital roles in your shortlisting. But these things are secondary to the points mentioned above. As we discussed earlier it all depends on your expectations. The better you expect the more secured your child’s future will be. So prepare your checklist and put on your best shoes. It’s a long and arduous journey ahead!