Parents, in the growing years of their children, face a question that always keeps their brains busy with doubts – how can we ensure our child’s security? Especially when the child spends too much time outside the house. Depending upon the locality and its level of safety, parents have to take many measures to ensure that their child stays safe all the time.
However, there are some specific practices that every parent can adopt to ensure that. For your ease, we have come up with seven of those measures. Depending upon your preference you can choose what suits you and your child the most.
- Tell them not to talk to strangers: The first lesson to ensure your child’s security is to teach her/him not to involve in any chat with strangers and never accept anything from them. Teach them to talk only to the people that they know in person. Who could be their family friends, or the parents of their friends? But talking to strangers is a complete no-no.
- Tell them to stay in the school: If you are late to pick your child up from school, tell her/him to stay within the parameters of the school rather than walking home all by herself/himself. Teach them that school is the safest place for them. And even if they find anything doubtful or are in trouble, they can directly report it to their teachers or other management staff.
- Ensure that they always carry a whistle: When in danger a whistle can always come handy. Make sure that you give your child a whistle and explain the situations in which she/he is supposed to use it. A whistle is generally accepted as a SOS sign and can be very useful to save your child from a dangerous situation.
Teach them self-defense techniques: Now this is a step that takes a little effort, but it can prove to be very helpful. Self-defense technique is something that will not only fill your child with confidence to face a threatening situation but will also help her/him in the later years of her / his life. You can pick a suitable self-defense coaching institution and watch your child learn the techniques that will help her/him live fearlessly.
Monitor their Internet habits: Your child’s safety is not threatened only when she/he is outside the house, but she/he can be at risk inside too. So make sure that you keep an eye on what she/he is up to on the Internet. If they are in touch with people who create a doubt in your head, confront/him about it. Cyber-crime cases involving children are often the leading cause threatening their safety.
- Ask them to invite friends over: If you live in a slightly notorious neighborhood, or are too concerned about your child’s safety, tell her/him to invite friends over to play rather than go out. This will put you at ease and give your child the safest environment to play.
- Help them memorize useful numbers and addresses: In case of emergencies, when you are not around to help, some numbers and addresses can help keep your child safe. Make a list of numbers and addresses you want your child to contact in an emergency. Help her/him memorize them or just make a note of them and put it in her / his pocket. This can really help them get out of a bad situation.
Now that you know how to ensure your child’s security, it’s time to put these measures into practice. If you like, you can have mock drills of these with your child. This will help her / him to understand a situation and her / his abilities to react to it better. Because when it comes to the safety of your child, don’t hesitate to do whatever you can think to save her / his life.